This blog is my commitment to take more photo's, simply for the love it.

And, each day I feel inspired, I will post one new photo.

A blog filled with what inspires.

A documentation of life.

October 25, 2010

day sixty eight - john macenulty

"In case you haven't noticed we are living in a time and place where truth is valued less than opinions. Ideas are ranked as popular or unpopular, not for their truth value.

Opinions are valued for their popularity, not their truth. It's maddening. It can make a kind, good, intelligent person crazy. It's just nuts is all.

It makes me an ivory tower kind of a person, living up here in the clouds, loving and worshipping truth.

I'm watching a pendulum swing.

We've watched pendulums swing before.

But there's no law of pendulums here.

They like to talk about Hitler and such.

Now there's a pendulum swing.

It turns out pendulums can kill a lot of people.

My job is to stay sane, not be drawn into the pendulum.

I wonder about the spiritual lesson in all of this.

There's a kind of required therapy here.

That's the spiritual lesson here. Don't go crazy because things around you are crazy.

I used to have a friend whose mother used the term, crazy makers, to refer to nut balls who had the power to inflame others.

I'm watching the crazy makers. They like to jump on the pendulum and make it swing faster and harder.

My job is not to stop them. There are plenty of people at war with them.

My job is to keep my eye on the beautiful. My job is to preserve and create the beautiful so that when the pendulum swings back there will be a museum with some poetry and some beautiful loving thoughts and some flute music.

What's going into your museum for when things become sane and hungry for truth and beauty?"


Copyright © 2010 by John MacEnulty

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