This blog is my commitment to take more photo's, simply for the love it.

And, each day I feel inspired, I will post one new photo.

A blog filled with what inspires.

A documentation of life.

October 10, 2010

day fifty two - 10.10.10

10-10-10 is the new beginnings on a spiritual level. Like the quickening prior to birth, it is the signal of change. It is the feeling of something different, even if you’re not sure exactly what that is.
It is the sensation of movement.
It is the knowing without knowing how you know, that everything you’ve perceived as normal up to this time is now changing faster and more intensely than ever before.
In short, 10-10-10 is the spiritual change coming in prior to the physical change.
This can lead people into a kind of panic if they are not clear about living in their hearts.
Lack of preparation for change, especially when you’re not sure what kind of change is coming, leads to restlessness, lack of security, even fear.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of what is.
Fear of fear.
The important thing to remember, as always from now on, is to stay in your heart.
Spiritual mastery such as this is necessary in order to ascend.
The love-fear-love cycle is prevalent in today’s world.
You read about staying in your heart.
You practice meditations on staying in the heart.
You learn mantras, mudras, and postures to open your heart and stay in your heart.
And something comes along that is unusual, abnormal, even different, and what happens?
You drop into the fear.
However, being aware of the love-fear-love cycle makes you immediately aware that you have dropped into fear.
And that awareness helps you to move back into the love faster.
You don’t stay in the fear as long.
You don’t go as deeply into fear as before.
And staying in your heart is easier and easier.
This is spiritual mastery.
Hence 10-10-10 is making us even more aware of our choice of spiritual mastery, our opening to change, and our choice to stay in our hearts. This solid foundation of love will make all the difference for you in the coming times.
Love-Fear-Love. Choose love. Every time.

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