This blog is my commitment to take more photo's, simply for the love it.

And, each day I feel inspired, I will post one new photo.

A blog filled with what inspires.

A documentation of life.

May 25, 2011

day one hundred fifty eight - i'm published

I have been published! Thank you to Cicero deGuzman Jr. for asking me to be a part of his project, Godspeed 45/06 (

My work with Kevin Baas, a dope vintage bike builder and high school "shop" teacher, is being published into a photography book. 

May 24, 2011

day one hundred fifty seven - marcus

Graduation Pictures. I had never even heard of them until about three weeks ago when I was asked to take my neighbors. When I was growing up, no one had them taken. To my knowledge graduation invitations weren't even sent out. I think it was all done over the phone? Anyway, Marcus had a vision of himself riding his skateboard dressed in a dress shirt, pants and a tie. So, here are the results. My first ever, graduation pictures!