This blog is my commitment to take more photo's, simply for the love it.

And, each day I feel inspired, I will post one new photo.

A blog filled with what inspires.

A documentation of life.

November 29, 2010

day one hundred three - story people

"I held out my hands & asked where I could help & somebody grabbed me & pointed me towards the future & said, You've got your work cut out for you & I said, isn't there anything easier? & he laughed & said you could dig around in the past, but it's just busywork & that made perfect sense so I shrugged & started right where I was, along with everyone else." 

day one hundred three - gladys

Gladys, Venice, California

November 22, 2010

day ninety six - fire dancers

Fire Wings, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fire Juggler, Minneapolis, Minnesota

November 16, 2010

day ninety - stella

Lorin & Stella, Santa Monica Beach, California,

Post Performance, Rockford, Minnesota

Stella & Freedom, Paradise Cove, California

November 14, 2010

day eighty eight - rabindranath tagore

"That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for entrance?" 
- Rabindranath Tagore

day eighty eight - matt

Matt, Boulder, Colorado

November 8, 2010

day eighty two - krishnamurti on love

You Are a Great Mystery -Krishnamurti on Love

"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed."

"...when there is love you have nothing more to do. Then where you are, you have heaven; then all seeking comes to an end."

"When you get rid of attachment, there will be love."

"Love cannot come to those who have a desire to hold on to it, or who like to become identified with it."

"One has seen the torture of love, the dependence on it, the fear of it, the loneliness of not being loved, and the everlasting seeking of it in all kinds of relationships, never finding it to one's complete satisfaction. So one asks, is love satisfaction and, at the same time, a torture hedged about by jealousy, envy, hatred, anger, dependence?"

"When there is love in your heart, in your eyes, in your blood, in your face, you are a different human being."

"If you suffer pain, anxiety, ambition, and soon, you don’t know what love is. You want to have power, position, better house, better cars. Have you ever understood that a man who is ambitious has no love in his heart."

"You cannot practice love. If you do, then it is a self-conscious activity of the 'me' which hopes through loving to gain a result."

" alone can transform the present madness and insanity in the world - not systems, not theories, either of the left or of the right."

"The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset. If you are antagonistic to the problem, you will never understand."

"You know, if you love something, you never get tired of it -- I mean love in which there is no seeking of a result, no wanting something out of it. When you love something, it is not self-fulfillment, therefore there is no disappointment, there is no end."

day eighty two - sweet freedom

Sweet Freedom, Venice, California